Why your back hurts, neck

We have heard that enough already, what's the worst pain in the neck back can occur due to the fault of the herniated disc, if you have a severe pain, go to the doctor, in anticipation of the terrible sentence. However, the myth of the inevitable pain when the hernia is exaggerated: hernia often don't, because it hurts your back, neck, although many older people in the image recorded at the same time, a few 3-4 mm herniation. How, then, is there severe pain in the back, neck, even the young people?

Pain in the neck back

Causes of pain in the neck back

Back pain, neck appear most often due to spastic muscles and joint subluxations of the vertebrae. Unfortunately, diagnosis, muscles, joints, made, pretty good. The smallest hernias, protrusion immediately identified using CT, MRI, whereas subluxations, misalignment of the vertebrae often go unnoticed. Electromyography , which allows to identify explicitly the different muscle tone, is often not carried out.

Why may abnormal muscle spasms, or subluxatio the vertebrae? Might be just possible, weight lifting, or just after, following, injury or damage to the spine?

The fact of the matter is, that it can happen to anyone at all, almost unnoticed.

Muscle spasms may increase throughout life you are leading, though the spine, sprain

Spasms of the muscles of the back and neck

The impetus cramps, the muscles will be pretty boring stuff:

  • Constant uncomfortable, tense posture, the sitting position
  • The second reason is that a sudden movement, disproportionate physical activity (especially applicable to fans of independent patches, or enthusiastic gardeners): muscle spasm of the thoracolumbar section of the back can occur due to heavy loads carried in the extended forward with the hands; pain, tension, the muscles of the lumbar-sacral region occurs due to the attempt to raise the heavy tilt position
  • The third reason is muscle inflammation (myositis) due to elemental exposure. Probably everyone knows that the shot, or the neck, back, caused by a catastrophic draught. Strange manner, more in the summer than in the winter season. The reason this is bad is that the air conditioning works, all displayed the same wrong temperature (too high difference between the external than the set temperature)

The symptoms, the pain, the neck and back

  1. Cervical myositis (sometimes called cervical radiculitis) is caused by the back, come on one side of the top of the head, the ear, the shoulder, the arm
  2. Back pain in the thoracic region of the back radiating ribs in the form of intercostal neuralgia. Localization in the left part of the chest leads to simulate a heart attack
  3. Lumbar lower back pain (lumbago) are given in the thigh. The same situation is the inflammation of the sciatic nerve causing sharp pain attack of "sciatica" in which the pain extends to the buttocks muscles down the entire back of the thigh, lower leg, literally, the soles of the feet
Pain in the neck

The mechanism of muscle pain

Why pain syndrome, which are the muscles often treatment is difficult, despite the fact that the first attack able to give it to you? Why muscles sore?

The pain is so insidious phenomenon, which is similar to the beast woke up. While she Sleeps, it's okay. But it's worth it to wake up, then problems.

If the resulting muscle spasm of the back and neck over affected muscle, nerve, allows the reflex mechanism of the pain reminiscent of a hell of boomerang:

  • A nervous multiply muscle spasm (this is the natural protective pain response)
  • Repeat the spasm of muscles, irritating the nerve again to all the infinite circle

The pain is not relieved due to a constant reflex effect.

Treatment of muscular back pain, neck

Contributes to the chronic pain syndrome improper treatment:

  • Heat compress on the painful area, hot tub, rubbing at first, it seems to lead to the relief, but the swelling of the muscles of the back and the neck, even more important, as well as acute pain
  • Behavior therapy exercises, and stretching exercises during exacerbation can lead to the deterioration, because the reaction already tense muscles under the influence of additional load can be unpredictable. In some cases, they can rest, while others are more intense
  • Similar reactions can occur during the massage

Pulled muscles are very firm to the contact, the man himself is extremely hard to bend-stretch, rotate neck, elevate, and take it off your hands.

Treatment, muscle cramps, and acute pain should be directed to the faster elimination of pain syndrome

This is assigned to a week in bed.:

  1. Five-to seven-day course in pain management non-steroidal drugs
  2. Extensive painful region made of novocaine or lidocaine is blockade
  3. Seat post-isometric relaxation is a very effective static exercises to relieve pain
  4. Manual therapy , acupuncture, provided that they are carried out by trained professionals
  5. Myofascial massage is the stimulation of the trigger (pain) point

Trigger points, as well as in the area of the pain is not always the same:

  • Your back hurts, the muscle pressure is much lower and not at the beginning

The displacement of the joints, the vertebrae of the back and neck

The displacement (subluxatio) , the joints of the vertebrae is not rare phenomenon. It can provoke:

  • Spinal cord injury, even the common household: a fall, a blow, a bad fall, the leg, etc.
  • A sharp incline, however, neck strain, too much angle
  • Constant muscle spasm, compressing the vertebrae

Diagnosis of displacement of the joints

If subluxatio occur after a fall, or bad dynamics, to diagnose can be sudden long-term through the pain. During the displacement, you can hear the crunching or click

  • The surprise-factor in the pain syndrome should be warned of the doctor as degenerative disc disease or hernia-the pain is chronic have been present for several years
  • If the subluxatio caused by muscles, diagnosing is harder than the displacement develops slowly, is manifested in a gradual increase in the pain, the immobility

Offset joints not gives a vivid clinical picture, except in those cases when it happens the transition areas:

  • Cervical-thoracic
  • Thoracolumbar
  • Lumbosacralis

Each Class has its own distinctive additional characteristics of the displacement of the vertebra:

The neck:

  • Patient the medication to the ground fainting
  • Dark, flying before the eyes, noises in the ears
  • The curvature of the neck
  • Weakness in the arm, burning sensation, numbness, fingers (syndrome cervico-brachial plexus)

The chest:

  • Stabbing pain between the shoulder blades, radiating to the sternum, the abdomen

These symptoms — often, because in the hospital patients suspected of heart attack, ulcer, and appendicitis.

To determine whether the chest pain is not heart, it's quite simple: Once the valid or nitroglycerin pain attack failed

The lumbar:

  • Acute back pain radiating to the thigh, the lower abdomen, groin, Which occurs when a subluxatio of the vertebra, the upper part of the lower back with a thin femoral nerve
  • Cross along the entire rear surface of the foot starting from the buttocks
  • Numbness, the feeling, leg cramps, or bringSuch a phenomenon to say the pinched sciatic nerve by vertebral subluxatio the lower lumbar of the back

Treatment of subluxations of the joints

The optimal treatment of a sprain of the vertebra of the reduction, which is carried out with the help of osteopathy, manual therapy. Rooting will not stop until the vertebrae snap right in the place.

Unfortunately, the true meaning of osteopaths, chiropractors, or can continue in the appropriate place over the vertebra is very small.

  1. To start treatment should be the mandatory pain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  2. Then it is desirable to competent manual therapy
  3. But manual therapy is not an independent method of treatment, in order to maintain the effect, the measures necessary to strengthen the patient area of the spine. This can be achieved while the muscles strengthen, and restore the balance by:
    • Strengthening physical therapy
    • Massage
    • Electro-myostimulation

Cervical, lumbar osteochondrosis

Over time, chronic cervical myositis leads to osteochondrosis, he, in contrast to the hernia, a very common cause of neck pain is very common in the very young man.

  • The symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease includes vascular diseases, when the pain is below the neck — shoulder region, arms are added indications of cerebrovascular disease
  • The same pain, and muscle spasms in the thoracic region — in the form of burning in the form of chronic pain interspersed with feeling like legs have grown. The gait becomes uncertain: the man literally walk bent

When the cervical osteochondrosis patients usually the doctor, the complaint is that my head hurts when lumbar suspected, because it is much lower, and the complainant now I'm starting to "suck".

Muscle spasm in the lumbar region leads to a spasm, narrowing of the blood vessels, which impairs blood flow to all organs located below the problem area, including the legs. Therefore, there is a feeling of numbness in the limbs

If the pain in the back, neck, despite the fact that the treatment is not completed within weeks, there is reason to believe that a more serious disease: the displacement, the joints of the spine or a herniated disc.

Pain when inter-vertebral hernia

Finally went to the herniated disc the source of the most intense pain in the cervical, lumbar, and neck, and even the most dangerous phenomenon, given the extraordinary role of the neck as the main "pipeline" for the vertebral artery.

Pain in the hernia, in fact, the most painful, long-lasting, as is caused by a thin spinal nerve. But this disease does not occur in a vacuum, and all secondary

As a general rule, the pathologist is preceded by:

  • Long-dystrophic processes in the spine, e.g. osteochondrosis
  • Abnormal muscle function (the same pain, spasms of certain muscle groups)
  • Injury and other diseases

Thus, the phrase, "I unexpectedly developed a hernia" is bad, although the output of the victim is often a complete surprise. But here we need the convergence of several external factors:

  • Weight lifting awkward position
  • A sudden movement back
  • Falls on the feet or the coccyx, etc.

The herniation doesn't always lead to pain:

  • First hernia directed to the other side of the spinal cord and never touch the nerve
  • Schmorl hernia, so I like to scare the doctors, often completely asymptomatic, whereas the vertical indentation of üvegporc, or the intervertebral disc to the vertebral body. It is also impossible to contact the nerve

The danger is just back hernia

If it hurts your neck, back, conduct a thorough diagnosis.

Very often, when a person treatment of hernia, the picture he really is, but that could be the cause of the pain, I can't, because there is no main reason: compression of the nerve. The location of the hernia eliminates this possibility

But a person with back pain, even permanently treated "a hernia" also works. Cause pain really can be subluxatio, close to the vertebrae or muscle spasm.